On this Transpersonal Therapist Training Course, we explore Shamanic Psychic Self-Defence and how to protect ourselves from Psychic Attack. This course teaches you how to train to be a Spiritual Warrior in the Spiritual War, how to recognise and heal core wounds, blending Indigenous practices, Jungian psychology, Shamanism and modern spiritual insights. We will delve into techniques like shadow work, understanding how ancestral trauma and karmic ties can affect us, and we will understand and learn ways to protect ourselves from negative intrusions and strengthen our auric field and address different techniques and ways to protect ourselves. We also look at how we are manipulated by the Matrix and examine cultural approaches to psychic resilience, connect with spirit guides, and integrate tools for maintaining balance in a world full of negative energetic challenges. This journey is as much about self-discovery and transformation as it is about Psychic Protection.
Who: This course is open to anyone who has an interest in this subject.
When: The course is recorded and is available to view indefinitely.
Where: Recorded sessions available to view any time on our private website page
Includes: 4 lectures, Journeys, Book Recommendations, Recommended Viewing.
Credits:15o Credits towards Transpersonal Therapist Certification.
This course is a pre-requisite for attending our in-person days which will include a live Q&A on all the topics covered on this course, and a guided Psychic Protection Journey
Cost: €195.00 plus paypal fees

How to be a Spiritual Warrior in the Spiritual War
What is a Psychic Self Defence
The Importance of Psychic Self Defence
Types of Psychic Attacks
Signs and Symptoms of a Psychic Attack
Prevenative Actions
Psychic attacks from a Transpersonal Perspective
Archetypes in Psychic Attack
Shadow Integration
Protection and Healing Strategies
Dreamwork in Psychic Defence
The role of Intuition
Generational Healing
Exploring Dualities
Shamanic Techniques against Wetiko Influence
Pathways to transcend Wetiko
Types of Entity Attachments
Entry points for Occult Entities
Recognising Energy Vampires
Types of Energy Vampires
Protecting yourself against Energy Vampires
Traps of Agreement
Target Profiles
Imposter Spirits
Understanding the role of Karma
Incorporating Ancestral Healing
Indigenous Storytelling and Mythology
Shamanic Plant Allies
Restorative Practices
Collaborative Techniques
Types of Intrusive Attachments
Importance of Esoteric/Spritual Practices
Matrix Manipulations
Distractions and Temptations
Recognising and Neutralising Disinformation
Disarming Fear Based Influences
Recognising Subtle Influences
Technological Interference
Environmental Factors
Space/Clothes Objects
Protection and Clearing Techniques
Inner Work and Shielding Practices
Exercises for Spiritual Discernment
Rituals and Objects in Defence
Expanding your Energy Field
The Love Bite in Relationships
Signs of Love Bite in Relationships
Sexual Vampirism
Energetic Havesting
How is Energy Harvested
Strategies for Protection and Recovery
The Alien Agenda
Ailen Manipulation Techniques
Extraterrestrial Experiences
Tools for Countering Alien Interference
Confronting Wetiko Forces
Thought Forms/Egregors
Characteristics/Types of Egregors
How Higher Forces Assist
Advanced Discernment Skills
Advanced Psychic Defence
Energetic Maintenance Rituals
Crystals/Orgonite for Protection
Rituals for Sacred Space Creation
Engaging with Light Beings
Invoking Divine Assistance
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Understanding Higher Self Alignment
The Aura
Affirmations and Revoking Permissions
The Power of Prayer
Jung, Grof, Baldwin, Marzinsky
The Law of One(The RA Material)
Initiation and the Higher Self
Attachment to Experiences
The Power of Nature in Defence
Techniques to Strenghten Inner Vision
Welcome to the next modules of the Transpersonal Therapist Training, Shamanic Psychic Self Defence.
This course on Shamanic Psychic Self-Defence offers a fascinating exploration of ancient wisdom and modern practices designed to help you protect your energy and navigate the complexities of spiritual and energetic challenges. Drawing from shamanic traditions, Jungian psychology, and contemporary insights, the material blends the mystical with the practical. You'll discover how cultures around the world have used rituals, ceremonies, and tools like smudging and grounding to shield themselves from psychic interference while strengthening their connection to higher consciousness.
This course integrates many different perspectives. From the Jungian concept of shadow work, which helps you face and integrate hidden parts of your psyche, to practical tips on visualisation and energetic hygiene, you'll learn a well-rounded approach to maintaining spiritual resilience. Whether it’s connecting with spirit guides, cutting energetic cords, or using visualisation to create protective light shields, these techniques are designed to empower you and offer peace of mind in a chaotic world.
This journey isn’t just about defence—it’s about transformation. By learning to protect your energy, you’ll also deepen your understanding of yourself, embrace your inner strength, and foster greater alignment with your true purpose. Whether you’re new to these concepts or already familiar with spiritual practices, this course provides accessible tools and inspiring insights to support you on your path to energetic clarity and wholeness. It’s about more than shielding yourself—it’s about becoming your own greatest source of light.
Psychic Self-Defence
Psychic Attack from a Transpersonal Perspective
Matrix Manipulation
Energy Vampires
Target Profiles
Understanding the Role of Karma
Healing Teqniques
The Love Bite in Relationships
- The Law of One
- Egregors
- Loosh-Robert Monroe
Recognising and Healing Core Wounds
and much more
This course is relevant to anybody who is interested in personal development and healing. It is also applicable to anyone with an interest in Shamanism or Transpersonal Psychology. In the past, we have had a wide variety of practitioners and non practitioners complete our training. This includes Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Yoga teachers, Artists, Holistic Practitioners, Medical Nurses and Doctors, as well as people who previously did not practice in any discipline.
Indeed, during the training, we will explore in depth the archetype of 'The Wounded Healer', and 'The Way of the Wound'. This essentially means that Healers and Therapists who have journeyed to the depths of their own 'woundedness' to find healing for themselves, are better able to guide others to find their own healing. We are not interested in any group more than another, and encourage anyone with an interest in the Transpersonal perspective to take part.
These four modules are awarded 150 credits towards The Transpersonal Therapist Training which requires 1000 credits for certification. You do not need to be on the Transpersonal Therapist Training to participate in this course. CPD Points are also awarded for any in-person training.