The second module includes discussion of ancient wisdom for modern medicine:
The Wounded Healer:The Archetype of Chiron
Shamanism from a Jungian Perspective-Active imagination, Dreamwork, Archetypes.
Holotropic/Shamanic Breathwork.
The Healing Potential of Imagery, Visualisation and Dreams
Transpersonal Theory, Psychedelics and Plant Medicine
How to access the Numinous and Sacred as a way of re-enchanting everyday life.
Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
The Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy-Non Ordinary States Of Consciousness
This week's Journey will be a Journey to the Upper World. The Upper World is a place of light, high vibrational energy and frequency. Each person will experience it in a different way according to their own imagination.
Some people experience themselves in a heavenly realm, full of light and angelic type beings. Others experience themselves in a bejewelled temple or beautiful garden with exotic flowers, plants and animals. The only limitations are those you place upon your own imaginative faculties. Be Open, Don't Judge Your Experience, Breath and Relax into it.
To access the Upper World, different Shamanic People use varied means and methods. For example, The Siberian Shaman's go up through the smoke from the fire in the centre of their Yurt. Aboriginal Shaman's cross the Rainbow Bridge. Celtic Druid Shaman's journey through the Spirals, Inter-dimensionally, as per the Symbols on my Drum. Others fly up on the back of a bird. Whatever way works for you is the right way, as there is no right or wrong way to take a Shamanic Journey.
We Journey to the Upper World to access Knowledge, Healing and Wisdom for our Soul's Destiny in this Incarnation.
The Spirit Guides we meet there can be our Ancestors, Our Loved Ones who died and crossed over to The Afterlife, Angelic or Light Beings, or the Archetypal Figure such as The Old Man, or The Old Woman Druid Priest or Guru, whoever turns up for your journey is right for you.
To start, find yourself a comfortable place to lie down and if possible listen with headphones. Let the sound of the drum bring the images to your mind.